Are non-Wiccans welcome to participate in Connect DC?

Connect DC, like most Wiccan groups, is not anti-Christian. People of all faiths and traditions are welcomed to participate in Connect DC rituals.

Many witches practice both Wicca and a wide range of spiritual beliefs including Judaism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Sufi, Hindi, Yoruban, Fon, Santieria, Voodun, Dine, and Greek Orthodoxy to name a few. Additionally amongst pagan and Wiccan practitioners there exist an even wider variety of spiritual practices, beliefs and models.

Connect DC seeks to build bridges within the pagan community, but ultimately seeks healing for our diverse, interconnected communities throughout the Washington DC metropolitan area.

However, the basic structure of the rituals, the intent to honor both Goddesses and Gods, and the acknowledgment of the inherent divinity of all life are non-negotiable. Beyond those basic ideas, it is up to the ritual planners to find creative ways to blend their various spiritual traditions into a coherent and meaningful ritual.

Our Pledge

Upcoming Rituals